The NIE Corpus of Spoken Singapore English

Extra Final Plosives in Informal Conversations

(play) spent quite a lot of time[t] ... um creating
(play) decorative stuff like[t] um photo album
(play) this ... um hated feature[t] ... about um
(play) I mellowed down[t] ... and I be ... quite
(play) white cloth hang down[t] and
(play) the audience will capture[t] ... or get the picture
(play) he turned ... astray[t] ... he um
(play) very expensive, it's like[t] er .. the cheapest ride
(play) it seems like[t] um they take life
(play) that's why I chose English[t] as ... the first
(play) mmm selling[k] um decorative stuff
(play) that ... I was studying[k] this
(play) when we were young[k] .. we used to erm

All data is from:

Lim, S H (2003) 'Extra Final Consonants in Educated Singapore English', Honours Academic Exercise, National Institute of Education, Singapore.